Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong, Ph.D. joined BLAM Lab in April 2012 as a postdoctoral fellow.
He completed his B.S. in Biomedical/Electrical Engineering with a minor in Medical Anthropology at the University of Southern California. He was elected to both Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society and Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society. Aaron received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. His dissertation described how the brain uses realistic predictions of movement outcome – specifically, saccadic eye movements – to inform future behavior, in order to improve overall task performance. This work was completed in the Vestibular and Eye Movement Testing Laboratory, and advised by Mark Shelhamer.
Aaron’s research interests are in experimental and computational motor control. He is currently investigating the manner in which motor learning is dependent upon the interaction of movement execution and cognition, as studied through arm-reaching movements. Aaron is interested in applying his knowledge of the saccadic system to the realm of reaching, where the relative slowness of movement execution (hundreds as opposed to tens of milliseconds) enables greater online decision-making to occur during the movement.